KNITTED RIBS are making a come back!
Pro-Stretch are the trusted supplier to the major global sportswear brands, we produce many innovative qualities, but some of our favourites are the many varieties of Knitted Ribs that we produce.
With lots of options available for sportswear trims and leisurewear trims, we can create many different designs, colours, and widths. These can be provided for functionable garments, as well as for novelty or aesthetic purposes.
We can create designs using your own artwork, or we can provide a bespoke design service; and we also offer FREE sample development!
Knitted Rib trims provide brands with a great option for sportswear, offering soft, flexible, stylish and versatile options to transform any garment.
Branding options for Knitted Ribs can include text, patterns or logos, or a combination of both!
We are finding with the return of retro styles within sportswear, knitted ribs are really making a come back within garment designs, and with the improvement of knit machine technology allows us to develop more innovative options for knitted ribs and trims.
PS13735/A/1 -Branded Rib Knit
Pro-Stretch can produce knitted rib cuffs as various sizes and patterns, also collars and waistbands for your sports apparel, offering a wide selection for edging garments.
We can provide sustainable options to support your business models, including Organic Cotton, Recycled Polyester, and Recycled Spun Polyester.
Our knitted ribs can also be supplied from our facilities in Southern China and Vietnam to suit your requirements
PS13755/A/1 -Branded Organic Cotton and Elastic Rib Knit
PSC6912 Branded Rib Knit
For more inspiration, why not check out our product page HERE or browse our online catalogues HERE
Contact us for more information and how we can provide the perfect trim for your garments.
+44(0)1260 291691 or email
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